Zoom Whitening – Is It the Right Choice for You?Are you tired of your teeth and enamel’s discoloration? Do you avoid going to social gatherings because you are embarrassed by what people might say? Well, then you should take advantage of the zoom whitening process.

You must be wondering what zoom whitening is? Zoom whitening is the process that can lighten the discoloration of your teeth and enamel, giving you your pearly white smile back. Your teeth’s structure will not be affected by this procedure.

Zoom whitening process gives you better results than standard bleaching.

Causes of Teeth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration can occur at any age. As you grow older, your teeth may darken and stain. Other causes of tooth discoloration include drinking red wine, cola, tea, and coffee. Smoking can also cause discoloration in your teeth.

Planning and Consultation

Before the procedure takes place, your dentist will conduct a consultation. Your dentist will perform a thorough checkup of your teeth to see if they are in good shape. After the procedure, you will need to maintain healthy oral hygiene so that your teeth remain free from any discoloration.


The zoom whitening procedure takes 60 minutes or less. Your dentist will begin with covering your gums and your lips so that just your teeth are exposed to the zoom light. After that, your teeth will be covered with a whitening gel made from hydrogen peroxide that works well with the zoom light. The zoom light will infiltrate your teeth and help disintegrate the discoloration or stains. The gel and the light are kept on for 15 minutes.

There are three separate 15-minutes sessions of gel application and zoom light. After the 45-minute session, your dentist or their assistant will apply a fluoride paste-gel on your teeth that will help reduce the sensitivity.


In order to keep your teeth white, you will receive a touch-up kit that you can use at home. The kit includes whitening trays that are custom-fitted for you and in accordance with the whitening gel used. Your dentist will give you instructions on how to use the touch-up kit.

To make sure that your teeth don’t get stained or discolored again, you will have to cut back on cola, coffee, tea, or any other beverages that might stain your teeth. You will also need to stop using tobacco products.  A healthy oral routine is essential for this procedure to work. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss daily. Make sure that you visit your dentist and dental hygienists regularly.

This procedure is not recommended for children under the age of 13. Women who are lactating or pregnant should also avoid zoom whitening procedure.  The result of this procedure varies from person to person, so make sure that you ask your dentist all the questions in your mind before getting zoom treatment procedure. You might feel minor tingling after the procedure.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening Special Through The End of 2018 – 100 Off!

For more information about Zoom! Teeth Whitening and our end of 2018 special, give HPS Dental a call. We can be reached at (248) 652-0024. Let us brighten your smile!