Shelby Township Dentist

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So far Shelby Township Dentist has created 310 blog entries.

HPS Dental Discusses Children’s Dental Health Month

Hi, I'm Dr. Heather Pranzarone Stratton at HPS Advanced Dental care, located in Macomb County, Michigan. We're right next to Rochester, Michigan, located in Shelby Township. I want to talk about Children's Dental Health Month, which is in February. We have a lot of parents that ask us questions about their children and how we [...]

2013-02-13T21:31:01-05:00By |Kid's Oral Health|Comments Off on HPS Dental Discusses Children’s Dental Health Month

HPS Dental Discusses Cavities in Children

Hi. I'm Dr. Heather Pranzarone Stratton at HPS Advanced Dental Care. We're located in Macomb County, Michigan. I wanted to talk about a lot of questions we get from some of our parents about their children, in honor of Children's National Dental Health Month, which is in February. They ask a lot, if my child [...]

2013-02-13T21:29:17-05:00By |Kid's Oral Health|Comments Off on HPS Dental Discusses Cavities in Children

HPS Dental Discusses the Importance of Mouth Guards

Hi, I'm Dr. Heather of HPS Dental, located in Macomb County, Michigan. I want to talk a little bit today about mouth guards. Its sports mouth guards in particular. We have had some patients in the past that have come in after playing hockey, or basketball, football. I'm trying to think of the other sports [...]

2013-02-13T21:05:23-05:00By |Mouth Guards|Comments Off on HPS Dental Discusses the Importance of Mouth Guards

HPS Dental Explains Solutions to Teeth Grinding

Hi, I'm Dr. Heather at HPS Advanced Dental Care. We're located in Shelby Township, Michigan on 24 Mile.  I want to talk a little bit about teeth grinding. Based on the economy as the way it is and stresses that people have, either losing our jobs or things that are going on right now with [...]

2013-02-13T21:04:01-05:00By |Grinding Teeth|Comments Off on HPS Dental Explains Solutions to Teeth Grinding

HPS Dental Discusses Sensitive Teeth

Hi. I'm Dr. Heather at HPS Advance Dental Care. We're located in Shelby Township, Michigan on 24 Mile Road. I want to talk a little bit today about sensitive teeth. We have a lot of patients that come in being very concerned about oh I have a tooth that's sensitive. Do I need a root [...]

2013-02-13T21:17:40-05:00By |Sensitive Teeth|Comments Off on HPS Dental Discusses Sensitive Teeth

Halloween Candy Buy Back $$$

Halloween Candy Buy Back $$$ To all our Ghosts and Goblins, HPS Advanced Dental Care is having our annual Halloween Buy Back. We will collect unopened candy (no bites please) on Thursday November 1st from 8am until 4pm and Monday November 5th from 11am until 7pm. Candy will be sent to the Troops serving our [...]

2013-02-13T20:58:41-05:00By |Halloween|Comments Off on Halloween Candy Buy Back $$$

It’s Much More Than “Just a Cleaning”

More and more dentists now incorporate routine exams inside the oral cavity and the outside of head and neck into their hygiene appointments to screen for a host of oral diseases, including gum disease and oral cancer. Unfortunately, not all early signs of disease can be seen by the naked eye. At our practice we do much more. Advances in technology have made it possible for dentists to offer non-invasive screening tests to help identify patients that are at higer risk for developing head and neck cancers and gum disease and to detect these diseases at an early stage. At our office we utilize 3 screening tools, in addition to the examination of the oral cavity and head and neck, to help identify at risk patients that we serve. They include individualized Oral Health Scores, a light based screening tool for the oral cavity, and a saliva test that measures the amount of human papillomavirus in your mouth.

2013-07-12T16:23:04-04:00By |oral cancer, Oral Healthcare, Wellness Dentistry|Comments Off on It’s Much More Than “Just a Cleaning”

Cosmetic Dentistry – It’s Not Just For Looks

Cosmetic Dentistry. It brings to mind the photos of your favorite movie star with their $1 Million smile that probably cost that much to get. What is often times missing from the doctor-patient discussion regarding cosmetic dental procedures is the health benefits of having these procedures done. You might be wondering, “How can cosmetic dentistry benefit my health?” It’s a great question, one that many dental professionals do not regularly communicate to their patients. Cosmetic procedures include teeth whitening, veneers, crowns, dental implants, and Invisalign© Invisible Braces, just to name a few. All of these procedures have benefits that can affect your oral health and total wellness.

2013-07-12T16:22:58-04:00By |cosmetic dentistry, Oral Healthcare, Periodontal (Gum) Disease|Comments Off on Cosmetic Dentistry – It’s Not Just For Looks

For a Healthy Heart, Go See Your Dentist

“You have periodontal (gum) disease.” These 4 words initially scare or confuse many people when they hear them from their hygienist or dentist. There are many questions that might run through your mind after hearing this. “What does this mean?” “How is this going to affect me?” “Am I going to loose any or all of my teeth?” “Is gum disease something I really need to worry about?” Gum disease is estimated to affect about 8 out of every 10 Americans with 99% of those with gum disease having no signs or symptoms that let them know they have a problem. At our practice, total wellness is our goal. Along with our highly skilled dental team, we are pleased to offer specialized technology that will assess your individual risks of gum disease with easy to understand Oral Health Scores. Your individual Oral Health Scores are just like your cholesterol scores. These Oral Health Scores, combined with your clinical examination, will allow us to make the best recommendations for you specifically. Do you know your Oral Health Scores? If not, now is the time to find out! With proper treatment we can improve your Oral Health Scores just like your physician can improve your cholesterol score.

2012-10-29T14:30:51-04:00By |Oral Healthcare, Periodontal (Gum) Disease|Comments Off on For a Healthy Heart, Go See Your Dentist
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