National Children’s Dental Health MonthOne of the most important skills that we can teach our children is good oral health care. Good habits of brushing and flossing start early, so starting your children on the path to a life-long healthy mouth is one of the first things that parents should start teaching their children. With most children getting their first tooth at around 6 months of age, learning to care for their teeth starts early.

Learning to Brush, the Right Way

As a parent, you should start brushing your child’s teeth as soon as you see their first tooth beginning to erupt from the gums. Using a small amount of children’s toothpaste and a small soft toothbrush, you will gently brush around the tooth. This process will continue until your child is ready to start brushing on their own. When your child is ready to start brushing their own teeth, make the activity fun by allowing them to select their own toothbrush and a toothpaste that they like. Let them watch you brush your teeth, and give them helpful instructions on how to properly brush their teeth. The American Dental Association and Colgate both have great resources for parents to help teach proper brushing skills. Here at HPS Dental, we are also happy to help you and your child learn good brushing skills, by showing correct techniques during regular office visits.


One of the frequent questions that we have from parents is when should their child start flossing their teeth. Most children don’t start eating foods that may require flossing until they are between three and four years old. Parents should start flossing for their children around the age of 4, and by 8 years old your child should be able to floss on their own. And, even though there are many conflicting reports on the effectiveness of flossing on good dental health, we still think it’s important to floss every day, so teaching this habit early on will give your child a good start for a healthy mouth.

Regular Visits

Another frequent question we get from new parents is when their child should start seeing the dentist. The answer to this question is surprising to many parents. Children should have their first visit to the dentist sometime before they turn one-year-old. With most children getting their first few teeth in the first year of their life, this is the perfect time to introduce your child to the dentist. The first visit to the dentist can be scary, so we encourage parents to stay with their child during their checkup. This is also a good time for you as a parent to ask questions about your child’s dental health and what to expect going forward. After this initial visit, we recommend that you begin a regular routine of visits every 6 months. This will ensure that we catch problems early, and can keep a close watch on your child’s mouth as they grow.

Injured and Lost Teeth

No matter how often you encourage your child to take good care of their teeth, and no matter how many mouth guards you buy for your child, there is a good chance that at some point they may knock out or injure a tooth. This is a common occurrence with kids, and we understand that it can be scary for your child and worrisome for you. If your child knocks out a tooth or has injured a tooth, please contact us immediately. In many cases, we can replace the lost tooth or make repairs to a broken tooth that will have your child back to normal and feeling great in just a few hours. Waiting to resolve a broken or lost tooth can cause long-lasting damage or pain to your child.

I Am Looking for the Best Family-Friendly Dentist in Shelby Township, MI!

Giving your child a good start to a healthy mouth is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Kids learn best with a good example, so make sure that you are also brushing and flossing daily. Learning early will ensure that your child will grow up with a healthy mouth and good dental health skills that they can also pass on to their children. If you have questions about caring for your child’s teeth or if you are looking for a family-friendly dentist, HPS Advanced Dental is happy to help. We provide quality dental care for all of our Shelby Township area patients. Call us today at (248) 652-0024 to learn more about our practice or to schedule a dental appointment at our dental office in Shelby Twp. MI.