
Frequently Asked Questions about Bridges and Partial Dentures

Other than for appearance, why else should I replace a missing tooth? A missing tooth can strain nearby teeth leading to jaw misalignment. The gap can also trap food remains, thereby increasing the chances of gum disease and tooth decay. That’s why you need any missing teeth replaced. What are the ways of replacing missing [...]

2022-06-09T15:01:53-04:00By |Dentures|Comments Off on Frequently Asked Questions about Bridges and Partial Dentures

Why Your Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait

It seems that everyone you talk to these days has been affected by tough economic conditions. Do you know anyone who isn’t trying to save money by cutting back on discretionary purchases that they may have taken for granted just a few months ago? However, there are some things that should always remain on the “must have” list unless your financial situation is critical. One such example is oral healthcare for you and your family. To be completely frank, your Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait! Unfortunately, many people still believe that the only time they really need to see a dentist is when they feel pain. Ouch! That hurts us because, as caring dental professionals, we’re primarily focused on disease and pain prevention when our patients allow us to do so.

2013-07-12T16:22:50-04:00By |Oral Healthcare|Comments Off on Why Your Oral Healthcare Can’t Wait
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