mouth sores

Conditions That Are Strikingly Similar To Canker Sores!

Conditions That Are Strikingly Similar To Canker Sores! Nearly everyone gets canker sores from time to time. These small lesions are usually harmless and don’t pose any danger. However, if your canker sore fails to improve after a few weeks, it’s often recommended that you visit your healthcare provider to ensure it isn’t something to [...]

2022-04-30T08:28:31-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Conditions That Are Strikingly Similar To Canker Sores!

The Mysteries of Icky Mouth Solved

Some dental conditions like pale gums, bad breath, and red gums can be signs of gum disease. Gum disease ranges from unusual gum swelling, also known as gingivitis, to tissue and bone destruction. In worst cases of gum diseases, you may even lose teeth. Here’s about some of the common dental problems: Gingivitis is mild gum [...]

2022-03-14T13:27:28-04:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on The Mysteries of Icky Mouth Solved
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