Dental Health

Myth Breaker – “Only sweets can damage teeth”

We all know sugar isn't exactly a friend to our teeth. But the truth is that the culprits that contribute to plaque buildup and enamel erosion go far beyond the occasional lollipop. This article tackles a common misconception – Myth Breaker: Only sweets can damage teeth – by delving into the surprising world of hidden sugar [...]

2024-04-26T10:22:35-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Myth Breaker – “Only sweets can damage teeth”

The Link Between Stress and Dental Health: Tips for a Stress-Free Smile

Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life. From work pressures to personal obligations, we all experience stresses that can wreak havoc on our well-being. What's often underestimated, though, is its effect on oral health. - this article will examine this intricate connection and offer helpful strategies and insights to maintain an effortless smile. Stressful [...]

2023-12-21T09:08:40-05:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on The Link Between Stress and Dental Health: Tips for a Stress-Free Smile

How to Deal With Sugar Addiction

Sugar's sweet allure makes it an irresistibly tempting addition to our daily diets, yet overconsumption poses serious health risks, particularly to oral health. In this article, we delve into its hidden dangers as well as provide strategies for breaking the addiction to it—essential steps towards improved dental and overall wellness. Understanding Sugar in its Forms [...]

2023-11-21T12:55:56-05:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on How to Deal With Sugar Addiction

What is Fluoride and Why Is It Crucial For Oral Health?

While many people probably know that fluoride plays a significant role in oral health, most people don’t know much about this vital mineral. If you are a health-conscious individual, you are probably motivated to dig deeper into the fluoride topic and perhaps understand why it is considered an essential mineral by dentists. So, what is [...]

2023-10-31T12:44:38-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on What is Fluoride and Why Is It Crucial For Oral Health?

The Eight Worst Foods for Your Dental Health

You have probably heard of the common phrase; you are what you eat. And in no better place can that be seen than in your mouth and teeth! This is simply because many beverages and foods can trigger plaque build-up, which can seriously damage your pearly whites. Many foods can potentially cause harm to your [...]

2023-08-11T12:46:04-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on The Eight Worst Foods for Your Dental Health

Dental Care Tips for Summer

Summer is the most exciting season for outdoor enthusiasts and those who like an active lifestyle. This is the period many people travel and tour the world. However, the hot sun and summer lifestyle presents their share of benefits and problems almost equally, especially to your oral health. That’s why you need to be serious [...]

2023-06-27T09:10:20-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Dental Care Tips for Summer

Oral Problems Triggered by Stress

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted our lives; there is lots of uncertainty in nearly everything we do or see. The world is battling a pandemic that isn’t showing any signs of ending or slowing down, and this has made stress a part and parcel of our daily life! Parents, in particular, are constantly faced [...]

2023-04-14T20:51:03-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Oral Problems Triggered by Stress

Common Medications That Can Cause Dental Problems

Supplements, vitamins, minerals, over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs are common drugs we often take. However, one thing we may not know is that some of these drugs and supplements may have a link to some of the dental health problems we’re experiencing today. Bone loss, taste changes, irritated gums, and dry mouth are some dental [...]

2023-04-14T21:21:49-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Common Medications That Can Cause Dental Problems

How to Spot Good Dental Products in the Grocery Store

How to Spot Good Dental Products in the Grocery Store Taking care of your oral health has an impact on your overall health.  Along with eating healthy and exercising daily, it’s just as important to properly care for your teeth and mouth daily.  Fortunately, every grocery store has an aisle full of oral care products [...]

2022-10-25T11:12:36-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on How to Spot Good Dental Products in the Grocery Store

Is It Okay To Go Dental Appointments While Pregnant? Find Out Now!

Is It Okay To Go Dental Appointments While Pregnant? Find Out Now! Pregnancy can be both an exciting and challenging time. As a pregnant woman, it’s very normal for you to experience a host of problems, some of which may impact your dental health. And this is why it’s recommended by health experts that you [...]

2022-09-18T21:20:02-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Is It Okay To Go Dental Appointments While Pregnant? Find Out Now!
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