oral health

What Can I Do to Prevent Dental Problems?

Two of the most common periodontal diseases are gum disease and tooth decay. A lot of adults believe that tooth decay is only limited to children, but that is not true. Tooth decay can occur at any age. If you don’t take care of your teeth, the enamel of your teeth wears down. This leads [...]

2019-03-22T04:07:50-04:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on What Can I Do to Prevent Dental Problems?

Taking Care of You in 2019 Starts with Your Oral Health

Welcome the New Year with Better Health Did you know that your oral health has an effect on your overall health as well? Yes, by taking care of your teeth, you are making your overall health better. Your mouth’s health is connected to your mental health, weight loss, digestion, and energy levels. So, if one [...]

2019-01-29T15:43:13-05:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on Taking Care of You in 2019 Starts with Your Oral Health

Welcome 2019 with a Smile – 5 New Year Resolutions for Healthier Teeth

The year 2018 is almost over. It’s time for you to come up with New Year’s resolutions — the promises you make at the end of each year to make the next year more productive. However, while making resolutions this, people often forget to make some about their teeth. Oral health is very important. We [...]

2019-01-10T23:31:02-05:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on Welcome 2019 with a Smile – 5 New Year Resolutions for Healthier Teeth

Preventing Oral Health Problems in Women

Poor oral health can bring a number of problems in a woman’s life. It is important that you take great care of your teeth. Good oral hygiene will help you keep your teeth healthy and safe from several diseases and infections. People who have bad oral health may also face other issues like: Self-esteem issues [...]

2019-01-10T23:13:11-05:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on Preventing Oral Health Problems in Women

Why Dental Checkups are Essential

Frequent dental checkups are one of the most important steps you can take to maintain good oral health. It is essential that everyone understands the increase in risks that can come from skipping dental checkups. In the long run, people end up paying more, in terms of money and peace of mind, if they miss [...]

2018-09-28T14:16:17-04:00By |Oral Healthcare|Comments Off on Why Dental Checkups are Essential

Oral Cancer Exam Using the VELScope at Shelby Township Dentist

Oral Cancer Exam Using the VELScope at Shelby Township Dentist Hi, I'm Suzy. I'm a dental hygienist at HPS Advanced Dental Care where we try to provide optimal oral health for all our dental patients. Another way we do that is beyond just the traditional exam, an oral cancer exam the doctors do, we also [...]

2014-04-01T14:58:45-04:00By |Oral Cancer Exam|Comments Off on Oral Cancer Exam Using the VELScope at Shelby Township Dentist

Shelby Township Dentist Discusses Oral Health for Kids and Children

Shelby Township Dentist Discusses Oral Health for Kids and Children Hi, I'm Heather Pranzarone Stratton at HPS Advanced Dental Care located in Macomb County, Michigan. I wanted to talk a little bit about children's dental health month, which is February. So a little bit of the things we've done this month at our office is [...]

2014-03-11T16:00:34-04:00By |Childrens Oral Health|Comments Off on Shelby Township Dentist Discusses Oral Health for Kids and Children

Oral Cancer Exam Using the VELScope – Macomb County Dentist – HPS Advanced Dental Care

Hi. I'm Dr. Heather Pranzarone Stratton at HPS Advanced Dental Care, located in Macomb County, Michigan. I want to talk a little bit today about our VELScope exam that we have here at the office. It's an oral cancer screening exam. We use a special light that looks inside your mouth and detects any abnormal [...]

2014-03-19T19:45:50-04:00By |Oral Cancer Exam|Comments Off on Oral Cancer Exam Using the VELScope – Macomb County Dentist – HPS Advanced Dental Care

The Proper Way to Brush Your Teeth By Shelby Township Dentist

The Proper Way to Brush Your Teeth By Shelby Township Dentist Hi, my name is Nicky Goolsby. I'm a registered dental hygienist here at HPS Advanced Dental Care, located in Shelby Township, Michigan. I'm here to talk to you today about a popular topic, that comes up with a lot of my patients. They always [...]

2013-12-19T18:48:10-05:00By |Oral Healthcare|Comments Off on The Proper Way to Brush Your Teeth By Shelby Township Dentist
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