soft tissue laser therapy

What Can Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry Do for You?

Laser is still considered a relatively modern addition to the dentistry practices. It’s getting more traction among patients because of its ‘gentleness’, unlike regular dental surgical procedures. Also, dentists prefer soft tissue laser surgeries because of their reliable and consistent results. If you are new to this advanced dentistry treatment method, then read on this [...]

2019-05-18T10:20:52-04:00By |Soft Tissue Laser|Comments Off on What Can Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry Do for You?

What to Know About Soft Tissue Laser Therapy

What to Know About Soft Tissue Laser Therapy For many people, laser therapy for oral health issues is still an alien concept. However, the truth of the matter is soft tissue laser in periodontal treatments have been around for more than 20 years. It was first introduced in clinical establishments in 1994. It [...]

2019-05-18T10:09:42-04:00By |Soft Tissue Laser|Comments Off on What to Know About Soft Tissue Laser Therapy
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