What Can Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry Do for You?

Laser is still considered a relatively modern addition to the dentistry practices. It’s getting more traction among patients because of its ‘gentleness’, unlike regular dental surgical procedures. Also, dentists prefer soft tissue laser surgeries because of their reliable and consistent results.

If you are new to this advanced dentistry treatment method, then read on this blog because we are going to discuss different dental procedures performed through soft tissue laser. It will also answer your question “what can soft tissue laser dentistry do for me?”

For Soft Tissue Surgeries in the Oral Cavity

Traditionally, soft tissue surgeries inside the oral cavity are carried out through sutures, drills, and scalpels.  Laser has provided a better alternative for these existing surgical tools. Soft tissue laser surgeries entail less post-treatment pain. Dentists are also able to improve the dental restoration when they use laser for the surgery.

In Scaling and Root Planning

Soft tissue laser therapy is also used for the removal of plaque and bacteria residing deep under the gums, where it’s not feasible to reach out through regular surgical items. The laser also allows doctors to only focus on the affected necrotic tissues. Moreover, the non-surgical attribute of laser keeps the entire treatment free of pain.

If you want scaling and root planning that takes care of all deeper calculus deposits to provide long-lasting results, then you have to undergo soft tissue laser therapy.

During the Installation of Dental Implants

Soft tissue laser is also used to streamline implanting procedures. For instance, dentists need to do soft tissue modification or have to remove some part of it to adjust the implants. Usually, they use surgical items to do that where it becomes difficult to acquire the required precision sometimes.  Here too, soft tissue laser provides a better alternative.

When soft tissue laser is used for the treatment, dentists are able to keep the bleeding minimal. Moreover, the use of soft laser therapy also helps in maintaining the aesthetics and seating of the implant.  In short, soft tissue laser helps in getting overall better results with any dental implanting procedure.

For the Treatment of Canker Sores

Usually, dentists recommend topicals and ointments to treat canker soles. However, laser is used to treat the chronic canker sores that are known as aphthous ulcers in medical terms. The use of soft tissue laser also cuts down the time of the treatment. People who don’t want to use corticosteroids for cankers ores are also recommended laser therapy.

For Frenectomy

In some individuals, the upper lip is connected to the tongue, gums, and floor of the mouth through a thick band of tissues. This anomaly limits the facial movement. Frenectomy is the procedure used to treat this condition. The use of soft tissue laser helps in making frenectomy anesthesia-free. Also, frenectomy performed by soft laser is completed in lesser time with no post-treatment bleeding.

Shelby Township, MI Soft Tissue Laser Therapy

If you want to know more about the use of soft tissue laser in dental procedures and its suitability for you, contact HPS Dental today.  We are located in Shelby Twp, MI and can be reached at  (248) 652-0024.  We look forward to meeting you!