dental health

7 Reasons to Visit a Dentist for a Toothache

Have you been feeling persistent pain in your teeth and gums? Here is why you should never ignore a toothache. Toothaches are fairly common regardless of age. Most people tend to ignore the pain considering the cost of treatment, and secretly hope it will go away on its own. However, toothaches are an indication that [...]

2022-04-20T13:16:14-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on 7 Reasons to Visit a Dentist for a Toothache

Nighttime Dental Habits

Making significant improvements in your oral hygiene is one great way to boost your overall health. And while there are many ways to enhance your oral health, one area experts suggest you focus on is your bedtime oral hygiene routine. During bedtime, bacteria tend to gather in your mouth, and many things can occur during [...]

2022-04-05T12:56:58-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Nighttime Dental Habits

Diabetes and Dental Health

Over the last few years, clinical studies have proven that there is a connection between periodontal disease and diabetes. Ranked sixth on the list of the most common health complications caused by diabetes, periodontal disease poses a great risk to the health of diabetes patients. It is worth noting that diabetes patients are at least [...]

2022-04-05T12:56:44-04:00By |Diabetes and Dental Health|Comments Off on Diabetes and Dental Health

Five Foods That Destroy Your Teeth

Most people know that diet and regular exercise play a crucial role in keeping them healthy. However, how many people realize just how essential a healthy mouth is for a healthy body? In case you didn’t know, poor oral health can significantly impact your quality of life by affecting both your physical, social, and mental [...]

2022-03-31T22:21:54-04:00By |Oral Healthcare|Comments Off on Five Foods That Destroy Your Teeth

Bad Breath: Know What’s Causing It & How to Keep It Away

We all commonly experience bad breath sometimes but for some people, it is a more persistent, everyday problem. An estimated 25% of the population encounter Halitosis’, the medical term for bad breath. So what exactly is the reason behind it and how do you deal with this problem? This article will take you through the [...]

2022-03-31T22:21:36-04:00By |Dental Hygiene|Comments Off on Bad Breath: Know What’s Causing It & How to Keep It Away

7 Lies Your Dentist Knows You’re Telling Them

Everyone tells occasional lies throughout their lives, and lying to your dentist is no exception, although your dentist can tell when you're lying to them. There are 7 common lies people frequently tell their dentist that can lead to the obstruction of treatment or even negative outcomes while being treated. Here are 7 lies your [...]

2022-03-31T22:19:26-04:00By |Oral Healthcare|Comments Off on 7 Lies Your Dentist Knows You’re Telling Them

Enamel Erosion: Causes, Symptoms, and Cure

In today's world, it has become crucial to protect everything. We wear glasses to protect our eyes and buy covers to protect our phones. We understand that protecting our possessions, both material and biological, is important as it allows us to enjoy a better life, and yet we completely ignore many of the things that [...]

2022-03-21T19:30:59-04:00By |Contest, Dental Health|Comments Off on Enamel Erosion: Causes, Symptoms, and Cure

Here’s how oral health is connected with overall health

It is self-understood that your oral health is for the sake of your teeth, but do you know that good oral health is also a part of a healthy brain, body, and heart? An infection in the mouth, as evident by research, can contribute to developing cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and even pregnancy-related issues. [...]

Here’s What’s Good for Your Teeth

The food we eat keeps us healthy and has a great impact on our oral health. Good food builds healthier gums and also helps prevent gum diseases and tooth decay. In this article, we want to inform you about the best diet for your teeth, i.e., what food and beverages would be suitable for you, [...]

2022-03-16T15:21:12-04:00By |Dental Health|Comments Off on Here’s What’s Good for Your Teeth

Here’s Why You Do Not Want an Abscessed Tooth

A tooth becomes abscessed when it becomes affected by an infection, and an infected tooth causes a tremendous amount of pain. More importantly, the problem with an abscessed tooth is that it can cause the infection to spread to the surrounding teeth, which in turn, can ultimately lead to several different oral issues as well [...]

2022-03-14T13:25:42-04:00By |Abscessed Tooth|Comments Off on Here’s Why You Do Not Want an Abscessed Tooth
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